Books I Read in 2023
January 2023How the World Really Works -The Science Behind How We Got Here and Where We're Going Vaclav Smil
- Don't panic about climate change. Relax and read this interesting, informative book.
- An important read. Let's stop trying to become the most victimized. Instead, let's be underdogs who rise to excellence!
- Masterful! Pamuk is one our world's greatest story tellers.
- Suspenseful. Spellbinding. Couldn't put it down.
- Delightfully daring, multilayered debut novel!
- Memoir of a love affair with a married man, 30 years ago.
Roses, in the Mouth of a Lion Bushra Rehman
- Poignant, well-told comimng-of-age story.
- Delicious, spellbinding debut novel headed for outstanding, but ultimately misses the mark with a disappointing ending.
- Epic look into Japanese culture in the 1930s through the eyes and hearts of four very interesting sisters.
- Collection of gritty tales.
- Wonderful story by a master teller.
The Hero of this Book Elizabeth McCracken
- Call it fiction. Call it memoir. It's a wonderful celebration of mother and writing!
- Excellent primary source of information regarding recent U.S. and world history. Recommended read for all Americans.
Katherine M. Gehl and Michael E. Porter
- "American politcs is an industrial-strength, nation-crippling, perversion of competition. The rivals have managed over generations to entrench and enrich their duopoly while failing spectaculary to serve its customers - us." There is hope. Let's continue to campaigne for the adoption of Final-Five Voting. See
- An irresistible page turner!
- Trying some new, risky ideas, Saunders magically creates some unforgettable stories.
- Wonderful stories of Voigt's adventures (and misadventures) seeking the elusive wild arowana.
Things Seen Annie Ernaux, translated (French) by Jonathan Kaplansky
- Mundane and poignant. Insights into Ernaux.
- Recommended!
- Excellent. A very well-written and cogent memoir - a song in praise of debate.
- Well-referenced analysis with over 70 pages of notes. Brings our poverty problem to light, and presents some good ideas. Unfortunately, the book loses impact because Desmond's far left, socialist bias and 'antiracist' racism often makes the work feel too much like gaslighting. Always capitalizes 'Blacks', but never members of the lower case 'white' cast. Collect more taxes from the upper and middle classes and give it to the poor, but don't call it redistribution of wealth. Taking perefectly legal tax deductions is stealing money from the government.
Sam Allegra Goodman
- Very good read. Coming of age, growing up under challenging circumstances.
- Good stuff. Recommended.
- Excellent. Story of small town Ireland told from multiple points of view.
NFTs Are a Scam, NFTs Are the Future Bobby Hundreds
- Great look inside and all around NFTs.
- Delightful, memorable story. Wonderful characters, authentic and lovable.
The Covenant of Water Abraham Verghese
- An epic masterpiece!
- Well done. Recommended. Single woman, immigrant, busy ICU doc dealing with her father's death.
- Multi-generational family memoir. Good historical review of Chinese immigrant struggles and successes.
Life 3.0 - Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Max Tegmark
- Excellent intellectual, philosophical examination of our future with AI. See Future of Life Institute.
- The stories of 1945 WWII - from the Philippines to Okinawa to the end and aftermath, by a masterful military historian. Very fine work.
Elsewhere Yan Ge
- Wonderful collection of great, unique, imaginative, poignant stories.
- A wild, scary ride into climate changed country.
- Superb, thoroughly annoted, analysis by one our best historians. Must-read!
American Playbook - A Guide to Winning Back the Country from the Democrats Clay Travis
- Entertaining and important read for all Americans.
- Exccellent inside look at why the health care prices we pay are much greater than the actual costs of that care. Important read for all Americans, especially our health care providers.
- Yes, we have another first class story teller. Hints of T.C. Boyle.
- Chua'a debut novel is an irresistible page turner - a murder mystery with a twist or two.
- Yes! Our favorite Payne University English teacher returns.
Western Lane Chetna Maroo
- Careful, sensitive, delicious, poignant little story.
- A masterpiece of historical fiction - brilliantly imagined and constructed.
- Convincing wake-up call to the existential threat that the Democrat Party poses to our America.
- Thoroughly annoted, detailed hisortical analysis uncovering the errors, omissions, over-simplifications and untruths in the work of recent anti-colonialist protestors. In Britain's colonial history there is much less to lament than there is to admire and praise!
- Good, important read! Entertaining and educational. Highly recommended.
- Ten intimate looks into the lives of authentic characters from our Nation of Islam. Well done.
Social Justice Fallacies Thomas Sowell
- Straight forward, very well referenced, thoroughly convincing analysis by one of our great scholars. An important book for our times.
- First Booker Prize winner (1969)! Irresistible characters and imaginative misadventures in 1940's Egypt.
- Super, very well constructed YA growing up story.
- Plaese help your children know that they matter to you and their community because of who they are, not because of what they may have achieved. You matter. Mattering matters!
- Delicious flavor to these new sonnets - both sensitive and striking.
- Yes, there is human bias in physics, too. Science needs real observations to add meaning and usefulness to theory. The truth may not be beautiful or natural or normally distributed.
Books I Read, by Year:
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024