Books I Read in 2021
January 2021The Discomfort of Evening Mareike Lucas Rijneveld, translated (Dutch) by Michele Hutchison
- Very disturbing, gripping tale of a young adolescent whose dairy farming family becomes increasingly dysfuncional in its grief over the accidental drowning of its eldest son. 2020 International Booker Prize winner.
- Wonderful story, light and uplifting while, at the same time, richly poignant; and decorated with beautiful mathematics.
- Immigrant angst - the good and the bad. Well told.
- Sweet, satisfying read. Authentic characters wonderfully woven together across time. Won 2018 Pen/Faulkner and National Book Critics Circle awards.
- With just a wee bit of a stretch, Cook pulled off a fine page turner.
- Good story, well told. Escape from a loveless place, intolerant of the disabled.
- Excellent. Timely. Authentic.
- Interesting perspecitve. Encouraging. Not too sententious.
Anxious People Fredrik Backman
- Great read. Fine blend of gaeity and profundity.
- Timely, thoughtful, insightful memoir-novel. Recommended.
- Wonderful stories, very well-told.
- All about antifa. Well-documented with extensive notes and list of sources.
- Quite entertaining collection of recent essays of current relevance by a bright, well-read Indian Englishman.
- Eight great stories.
- Important precautionary broadside.
Communist China's War Inside America Brian T. Kenenedy
- Concerning broadside.
- Essential read - to more fully grasp the origins and significance of the rise of Asia - especially now, China.
Warren Farrell, PhD, and John Gray, PhD
- Our boys need Dads! Important read for all Dads and Moms. See
- Stories to make one think, smile, weep.
- Delicate, beautiful, powerful. From Nobel Prize winner Kawabata.
The Home and the World Rabindranath Tagore translated (Bengali) by Surendranath Tagore
- Classic tragedy taking place during the Bengali Swadeshi protest movement in the early 20th century. Tagore was awared a Nobel Prize in literature.
- Cogent expose of major malfeasance in our federal government. Ouch.
- Delicately told, powerfully poignant. From 1968 Nobel Prize winner.
- An amusing page turner, a bit hypercritical at times.
- Important story to be told; and Mbue tells it so very well.
- Quite a refreshing ride, along a bright new trail. Promising debut novel.
- Fine, memorable stories. A delicious debut.
- Imaginative, dreamy stories from unique points of view.
Reclaiming Patriotism in an Age of Extremes Steven B. Smith
- Scholarly, thoughtful, hopeful. Patriotism is an essential American virtue. Let's nourish it.
- A fine collection of intriguing vignettes. A memoir of thoughtful, soulful introspection.
- Beautiful. Inspiring.
- Must read. Big tech monopolies - Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter - are controlling us. Time to change that.
- Stark, powerful, important story. Well done.
- Beautiful book. Gorgeous language. A real treat.
The Road to Serfdom Friedrich A. Hayek
- Classic, erudite, cogent explanation of how socialism inevitably leads to totalitarianism. "The guiding principle that a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy is as true today as it was in the nineteenth century."
- Excellent! Very readable, thoroughly referenced history of the development of our understading of neurodiversity.
- Very good stuff. Math, physics, astronomy, art, acting, people, family, relationshps.
- Wonderfully appealing, charming tale tinged with mystery.
- Must read for our times. The science is not settled. Though we ought continue to study and learn about our planet's climate and plan strategies to mitigate and adapt to changes, there is no clear climate emergency, as some of our politicians and main stream media might claim.
Helgoland, Making Sense of the Quantum Revolution Carlo Rovelli
- Enlightened musings on quantum physics by a deeply thinking master of the art.
- Wonderful, insiteful, poignant stories.
- Not bad.
- Fun read.
- Excellent analysis, thoroughly referenced, examining the cultish craze of acute onset gender dysphoria that is destroying the lives of too many of our adolescent girls. Social media, our schools, including our universities, our doctors and therapists are all failing to rescue our children from a pernicious, seductive ideology that claims to be able to help them as members of a new victim class.
- Seven very nice tales.
American Marxism Mark Levin
- A must read for all Americans.
- Grotesque. Gorgeous.
- A timely, irresistible tale by one of our master storytellers.
- Informative, fun read. Go Jesse!
- Unforgettable stories, exquisitely well told.
- Fine collection of stories that wander irresistibly in delicious directions.
ed. Robert L. Woodson, Sr.
- Collection of educational, well-referenced, inspirational essays from our 1776 Unites project. Let's "ensure young people of all races become architects of their own future by embracing the founding principles of this exceptional nation."
- Among children with gender dysphoria, 80 to 95% of them will naturally outgrow it. Let's be sure that our families, teachers, schools and communities help them with this and never push them in the wrong directiton.
Twenty Grand, and Other Tales of Love and Money Rebecca Curtis
- Thirteen debut tales. Young woman angst, real and imagined.
John M. Ellis
- Radical leftist activists, identity politics and a diversity bureaucracy have thoroughly corrupted higher education in our colleges. It is past time to demand reform. We must stop funding radical political indocrination of our youth, dismantle campus diversity regimes and reintroduce knowledge of and respect for our history and our Constitution.
- Whitehead's novel paints a hopeless, gruesome racist picture of 1960's America.
- Poems. Sad, but true. Beauty in sorrow.
- Delightful, warm, wonderful memoir, told as two, parallel, irresistible page-turners.
- Very well told family story.
- Required reading for all Americans interested in protecting our democracy and economy. Wokeism is a dangerous new religion.
- Required reading!
- Wonderful. authentic, modern, irresistible characters.
Harlem Shuffle Colson Whitehead
- Interesting group of characters struggle to balance business and crime in this tense page-turner.
- Courageously speaking truth to power. How can we stop the aggressive authoritarian leftist movement? Let's refuse to be silenced. Let's continue to stand up and speak out, and "refuse to acquiesce to the power hierarchy."
- Buckley demonsrates quite clearly that, by 1949, Yale was already indoctrinating its students with a socialist/collectivist, anti-religious ideology. (Today, it appears that 81% of Yale students identify as liberal, while only 4% belong to the often-oppressed conservative minority.)
The Past Tessa Hadley
- Delicious descriptions. Memorable characters. Excellent.
- Collected articles with up-to-date introductions.
- Gripping nail-biter.
Kerry Jackson, Christopher F. Rufo, Joseph Tartakovsky and Wayne Winegarden
- Excellent analysis of California's expanding homelessness crisis. Maybe Houston's 'tough love' policy will be more successful.
Erica Komisar, LCSW
- "Who we are, what behaviors we model, and how we relate to and care for our children impact them and their develpment more than any other factor." "You are your child's first line of defense against mental health and behavioral issues." Let's continue to learn and grow.
- Beautiful, heart-breaking Newbery Medal winner.
- Superior page-turner. Several stories about a story woven wonderfully together.
Celeste Headlee
- Unfortunately, many helpful suggestions about communication are largely buried under an overarching radical leftist, racial bias that threatens to inflame and divide. Headlee claims that "we are all racist" and that our society is "founded on systemic racism." Even that "making the world a safe and comfortable place for white people ... must be undone."
Perhaps Headlee ought talk with and listen to Blexit Foundation's Candace Owens.
Let's please stop forcing ourselves and others into racial groups. Let's, instead, look at each person as a unique individual gift, created in the image of God.
No One Is Talking About This Patricia Lockwood
- Highly recommended, masterful autofiction. Internet, social media addicted writer is profoundly moved by personal family tragedy to become a better, freer version of herslf. Lockwood shines.
- High quality page-turner. Close look at selected, authentic, fascinating members of several generations of a Japanese American family.
- Well done. Senegal, World War I. War drives men crazy.
- None of us chooses the genetic and early environment that largely determine educational level, social standing and wealth. Harden refers to these as a matter of "luck." I prefer to say that our genes are a gift from God who teaches us to love one another, especially our most vulnerable.
- Fun, informative read. Yeah, calculus!
- Powerful little piece of historical fiction, written with grace and elegance by a master.
- Chinese immigrant misadventures. Well done. Good read.
Roosevelt Montas
- "The human good - the kind of life most worth living - is the cenral inquiry of liberal education." Excellent memoir and review of the value and impact of Columbia University's Core Curriculum.
Books I Read, by Year:
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024