Books I Read in 2009
January, 2009The Best American Short Stories 2008 eds. Salman Rushdie, Heidi Pitlor
- Especially liked those by Allegra Goodman, A.M. Homes, Miroslav Penkov, George Saunders, Bradford Tice and Mark Wisniewski.
- Ten convincing stories. Diaz has the gift. Keep writing, bro.
White Tiger, black India. Well-painted, scary first-person portrait of one violent attempt to do the near-impossible: escape from a bottom caste or "Rooster Coop."
This autobiographical, self-exploration by superior thinker and writer, Barack Omaba, includes eloquent depictions of obstacles to social and political advancement faced by American Blacks. With profound irony, its author is now today the first Black president of our United States. Highly recommended reading for every American.
Women in Their Beds Gina Berriault
- Wow! PEN/Faulkner awared winner exceeds expectations. Seems impossible that one writer could produce 35 such absolute gems. At least as good as anything I've read. Listen carefully to Berriault's stories and you will hear sounds that you didn't know your heart could make. Yes.
- Roth at his best. Teaches while he entertains - brilliantly. Could not put the book down. We love you, Nathan Zuckerman.
- Irresistible page-turner by very talented writer. Choi seamlessly weaves together elements of terror, suspense, and mystery, with an older person's self-examination and rediscovery leading to growth, maturation and hope for a new kind of personal rapprochement. No small feat.
- Well-told biographical adventure/love story letting us feel the human condition in a new way.
- Well done, fantastic bemusements. What if death: put things on hold for while in one country? restart gave one-week warnings? fell in love?
Intuition Allegra Goodman
- Excellent look at the personalities, passions, deceptions and nobilities of the modern medical science laboratory business.
- Tells the story of Sherman's March to the Sea from the points of view of several interesting characters on both sides of the American civil war.
- Twenty fine stories. I especially liked three: Village 113 by Anthony Doerr, Touch by Alexi Zentner and Bad Neighbors by Edward P. Jones.
A Free Life Ha Jin
- Wonderful, moving epic tale of one Chinese immigrant's struggle to find personal and artistic fulfullment through, or in spite of, the "American Dream."
- Very entertaining read. Warm. Funny. Happy. Sad. Read it and you will hope to be like Richard Novak - an always willing, if sometimes accidental, modern American Good Samaritan hero. You may even save someone's life, if not your own.
The Best American Short Stories 2007 eds. Stephen King, Heidi Pitlor
- Twenty good ones. Especially liked those by Aryn Kyle and Richard Russo.
- Powerfully moving look inside the Biafran-Nigerian war.
- Anorexia/bulimia wants to murder many of our finest young people. Let's join forces with the Anti-A/B League and stop it. See also
- Classic (1974) method.
The PEN/O.Henry Prize Stories 2009 ed. Laura Furman
- Good stuff. Especially liked the stories by L.E. Miller, Caitlin Horrocks, Judy Troy, and Junot Diaz.
- Clear, detailed explanations and examples of how to help your toddler into civilization. Basic principles useful for all ages: first listen with RESPECT, echo strong emotions, talk at the appropriate level, provide lots of positive guidance. Always respect the dignity of your toddler as an individual.
CivilWarLad in Bad Decline George Saunders
- Six very good stories and a novella. Original, funny, at times scary.
- For everyone, including his wife and three kids.
The Crimson Petal and the White Michel Faber
- Faber gently seduces us into the story of Suger, an 1870's London prostitute, who keeps us entranced without disappointment for over 800 pages. Great story, very well told.
- Exciting medical adventure involving a mysterious operating room anesthesiology mishap that kills a child. Well thought-out by real insider Dr. Cassella, a practicing anesthesiologist.
- Good stuff. Especially liked Alternative Endings. Unique story-telling style. Nobel prize winner.
The Garden of Last Days Andre Dubus III
- An irresistible page-turner all right!
- We're gonna have a Potty Party!
Fine Just the Way It Is Annie Proulx
- Super fine stories. Hooray for the gem, 'Tits-Up in a Ditch' - very powerful, moving anti-Iraq-war Wyoming story!
- Great story-teller. Creepy story.
The Humbling Philip Roth
- Super story-telling, as always, from Mr. Roth.
- Funny, sad, powerful.
Books I Read, by Year:
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024