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Colleen Gordon

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Books I Read in 2024

Jump to end of list, to most recently read books.

January 2024
The Best Short Stories - The O'Henry Prize Winners eds. Lauren Groff and Jenny Milton Quigley
    Collection of stories: some good, a few even better.
In the Kingdom of Ice - The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette Hampton Sides
    A masterpiece. History writing at its finest.
Too Good to be Forgotten - Changing America in the 60's and 70's David Obst
    Dig some real cool baby boomer nostalgia, up close and personal - a real page turner from a very involved insider.
The Secret Lives of Church Ladies Deesha Philyaw
    Very fine, sensitive, delicious stories. 2021 PEN/Faulkner Award winner.
The Five Wounds Kirstin Valdez Quade
    Authentic characters deal with family dysfunction. Well done.
February 2024
Two Nurses, Smoking David Means
    Collection of great stories by a master.
This Other Eden Paul Harding
    Beautiful, heartbreaking piece, based on the tragic Malaga Island story. Shortlisted for the 2023 Man Booker.
Troubles J.G. Farrell
    Brilliant. The Irish 'Troubles' of circa 1920 as lived by WWI Major Archer and associates at the dying Majestic Hotel. At once hilarious and heartbreaking. Winner of he Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize and the Lost Man Booker Prize.
Sea Monsters Chloe Aridjis
    Misadventures of seventeen year old rather impulsive young lady runaway.
March 2024
The Emotional Lives of Teenagers - Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents
Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
    Valuable guide for parents and teens. Lots of practical suggestions.
Splinters - Another Kind of Love Story Leslie Jamison
    Memoir. Newly divorced, new Mom. True and deep. Good stuff.
Prophet Song Paul Lynch
    Profoundly moving. Gripping page turner. Essential read for our time. Booker Prize winner, 2023.
Cancel Culture Dictionary - An A to Z Guide to Winning the War on Fun Jimmy Failla
    Fine, entertaining review and analysis of selected cancel culture attacks. Recommended reading.
Who Owns This Sentence - A History of Copyrights and Wrongs David Bellos and Alexandre Montagu
    Review of the colorful history of copyright, now a multi-billion dollar enterprise. "Copyright is an edifice of words resting on a complicated string of metaphors and double meanings." We can to do better.
April 2024
The Recovering - Intoxication and Its Aftermath Leslie Jamison
    Excellent. Best of breed. Memoir and literature review with insightful analysis of the complex relationships among addiction, sobriety and creativity. Highy recommended.
May 2024
The Sentinal State - Surveillance and the Survival of Dictatorship in China Minxin Pei
    Good detailed explanation of how China has developed the best surveillance state of any other dictatorship in history. Its future is uncertain.
Rights From Wrongs, A Secular Theory of the Origin of Rights Alan Dershowitz
    Brilliant analysis by the renowned professor.
The Anxious Generation - How the Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness Jonathan Haidt
    Important read for all or us. Starting by 2010, healthy play-based childhood was largely replaced with phone-based childhood leading to big increases in anxxiety and depression. Some ways to help: no smart phones before high school, no social media before 16, phone-free schools, more unsupervised childhood play. See: AnxiousGeneration.com.
June 2024
Lucky Jane Smiley
    Tainted by political bias.
July 2024
The End of Everything - How Wars Descend Into Annihilation Victor Davis Hanson
    Excellent historical analysis of the ends of Thebes, Carthage, Constantinople and the Aztec Empire (Tenochtitlan); and a warning for our world today. Scary stuff.
Hey, Zoey Sarah Crossan
    Entertaining page-turner.
What This Comedian Said Will Shock You Bill Maher
    Entertaining read from a master of the sarcastic put-down. No one is left unpunished. Avoid if too snow-flaky.
Sidetracks Bei Dao, translated (Chinese) by Jeffrey Yang
    Thoroughly elegant work by the brilliant, award-winning Chinese dissident.

    "I am you       a stranger on the sidetracks
    waiting for the season to harvest blades of light
    sending letters       though tomorrow has no address"

Greg Gordon MD, CFII