
Teaching and Learning Flying - Private Pilot, Single-Engine Airplane
Short Field Takeoff and Climb

A maximum performance takeoff and climb over a 50 foot obstacle
in the shortest possible distance

- Takeoff hazards
- Obstructions
- Visually CLEAR area, final approach path
- Announce attentions
- Review takeoff performance - short-field - POH:
Note weight, speeds, pressure altitude, temp, runway conditions
- Do not attempt to takeoff under conditions requiring
performance beyond the capability of airplane or pilot

- Private Pilot PTS, IV B
- Explain elements, including significance of appropriate airspeeds
and configurations, emergency procedures, and expected
performance for existing conditions
- Select recommended flap setting
- Position airplane at beginning of runway, aligned with centerline
- Smoothly advance throttle to max allowable
- Maintain directional control on centerline
- Adjust aileron deflection during acceleration
- Rotate at recommended airspeed and accelerate to Vx
- Climb at VX or recommended airspeed +5, -0 knots until obstacle is cleared, or until at least 50 feet above the surface, then accelerate to and maintain VY +/- 5 knots
- Retract flaps as recommended or at safe altitude
- Retract gear after positive rate of climb established and safe landing can no longer be made on remaining runway
- Maintain takeoff power to safe maneuvering altitude
- Maintain straight track over extended runway centerline
- Complete after-takeoff checklist
- Commercial Pilot PTS, IV B, adds:
- Adjust mixture control as recommended for conditions
- Review takeoff performance capabilities considering obstructions
and conditions
- Check engine instruments

- To develop the student's knowledge and skill in planning and
performing safe short-field takeoffs and climbs to meet the
appropriate practical test standards
- To provide thorough knowledge of takeoff and climb principles that
will help prevent an attempt to takeoff under conditions requiring
performance beyond the capability of airplane or pilot

- Discuss elements of short-field takeoff and climb
See Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
- Review of wind conditions
Takeoff as directly into wind as possible
- Demonstrate short-field takeoff and climb
- Use of wing flaps
- PA-38-112 (Tomahawk): Short-field: 21°, first notch
- TR182 (Skylane): Short-field: 20°
- Visually check flap extension
- How to position and align airplane for maximum utilization of available takeoff area
- Extreme end of runway with main gear just beyond threshold
- Align with centerline
- Note heading and ground references
- Initial positioning of flight controls
- Trim set for takeoff
- PA-38-112: elevator tab slightly aft of neutral (depends on loading)
- Ailerons full into any crosswind
- Power application
- PA-38-112
- Fuel selector proper tank, Mix rich, Pump ON, Carb heat OFF
- Apply full power before brake release
- TR182
- Carb heat OFF, Mix RICH, Prop in high RPM
- Brakes apply and hold
- Smooth, steady advance throttle to 30-31"MP
- Release brakes smoothly
- Keep hand on throttle
- Directional control during acceleration on the surface
Control direction with rudder, heels on floor, off brakes
- Crosswind control technique during acceleration on the surface
- Gradual reduction of aileron pressure into wind
- Downwind rudder
- Lift-off attitude and airspeed
- Learn attitude by outside references and AI
- PA-38-112
- Ease control wheel back to climb attitude at VR = 53 KIAS
- Maintain 61 KIAS until obstacle cleared, then 70 KIAS
- TR182
POH-recommended VR depends on weight
- Good general approximation
- VR = 50 KIAS
- VX = 60 KIAS over 50 foot obstacle, then
- 70 KIAS
- Initial climb attitude and airspeed (VX) until obstacle cleared
- PA-38-112
- Maintain VX= 61(+5, -0) KIAS until obstacle cleared, then
- VY = 70 KIAS
- TR182
- VX = 60 KIAS over 50 foot obstacle
- Brakes apply and gear UP out of runway and over obstacle
- 70 KIAS to approx 200 AGL
- Flaps up slow and accel to 80 KIAS
- Above 500 AGL, 90 KIAS, 25"MP, 2400 RPM, RICH
- Track during climb
- Climb out along extended runway centerline
- In crosswind, sideslip takeoff converted to crab into wind for climbout
- Use of checklist
- Pre-takeoff checklist
- On takeoff note outside references, airspeed, power settings, engine instruments
- Transition to cruise check
- Coach student practice
- Critique student performance

- Failure to position the airplane for maximum utilization of available takeoff area
Request use of an overrun area
- Improper initial positioning of flight controls and wing flaps
- Improper power application
- Inappropriate removal of hand from throttle
For flaps, gear, trim only
- Poor directional control
- Improper use of brakes
Smooth, positive release after maximum allowable power developed
- Improper pitch attitude during lift-off
- Failure to establish and maintain proper climb configuration and airspeed
Hold pitch to maintain VX +5, -0 KIAS until over obstacle
- Drift during climb
Use outside references and HI
