Teaching and Learning Flying - Private Pilot, Single-Engine Airplane
Minimum Controllable Airspeed
Minimum controllable airspeed (MCA) is the slowest airspeed at
which straight and level controlled flight can be maintained. This is
usually within +5 knots of stall speed. At MCA, any further increase
in load factor or angle of attack or loss of power will result in a stall.
- Begin the maneuver above 2,000 feet AGL to allow altitude for safe inadvertent stall recovery
- Lights ON and CLEAR area with two 90o turns, left and right
- After power reduction during entry, adjust mixture rich and prop in high RPM
- Monitor carburetor temperature and CHT
- Divide attention between outside and instrument references and watching for traffic
- Student explains flight characteristics and controllability associated with flight at MCA
- Selects an entry altitude above 1,500 feet AGL (>2000 feet AGL)
- Establishes and maintains coordinated flight at MCA in SLF and level turns in specified configurations and bank angles
- Private Pilot PTS:
- airspeed +5, -0 knots
- altitude +/-100 feet
- heading +/-10o
- bank angle +/-10o
- Commercial Pilot PTS:
- airspeed 5 +/-5 knots above stall speed
- altitude +/-50 feet
- heading +/-10o
- bank angle +/-5o
- To develop the student's sense of feel and ability to use the
controls correctly, and to improve proficiency and safety in
performing maneuvers in which very low airspeeds are required
- To develop the student's ability to determine the characteristic
control responses of an airplane in order to avoid stalls during flight
at the slower airspeeds used for takeoffs, climbs, and landing
- Discuss definition, tolerances, objectives of flight at MCA
- Discuss elements of flight at MCA
- Safety factors
- Altitude for stall recovery above 1,500 feet
- Aircraft configured for recovery (mix RICH, prop IN HIGH RPM)
- Draw and explain power vs airspeed curve
- Maximum endurance speed
- Region of reverse command
- Entry and recovery technique
- Demonstrate flight at MCA
- Cessna TR182, N6209T:
- Above 2,000 feet
- Lights ON; CLEAR area
- During second clearing turn, retard throttle gradually to <15 in. MP while gradually raising nose to maintain altitude
- Mixture rich; prop control advanced to high RPM
- Check carburetor temperature and cylinder head temperature
- Configure airplane as desired as airspeed slows
- Gear down < 140 KIAS
- Flaps 10o < 140, 20o < 120, and full < 95 KIAS
- Trim for 45-50 KIAS
- Add power as needed to maintain altitude
- Simplified, one power step,"left to right" slow flight technique:
- Gear down < 140 KIAS
- Check carb temp
- Power back to 19 in. MP
- Mixture RICH
- Flaps extended one notch at a time as above
- Turns may require slight increase in power
- Re-establish cruise:
- Confirm: mix RICH, prop IN HIGH RPM
- Power to 30 in. MP
- Flaps up to 20o, and gear up
- Flaps up 10o, 0o
- Readjust MP, RPM , mixture
- Instructor coaches student practice
Try several configurations
- Instructor critiques student performance
- Failure to establish specified configuration
- Improper entry technique
- Failure to establish and maintain the specified airspeed
- Excessive variation of altitude, heading and bank
- Rough or uncoordinated control technique
- Faulty trim technique
- Unintentional stall
- Inappropriate removal of hand from throttle
- Allowing torque to pull airplane off desired heading