Teaching and Learning Flying - Commercial Pilot, Single-Engine Airplane
Eights-on-pylons is a flight maneuver in which the airplane is flown in
an approximate "figure-eight" flightpath alternating around two pylons.
During the turns on each pylon, a constant "line-of-sight" reference is
maintained, so that the airplane appears to pivot around the pylon on
the end of this reference line.
- Lights on
- CLEAR area with two 90° turns, left and right
- Maximum bank 30-40°
- Suitable emergency landing area within gliding distance (adjacent)
- Approximately 3 to 5 seconds of straight-and-level flight between pylons
- Maximum bank angle approximately 30° to 40°
- Line-of-sight reference remains on pylon with minimum longitudinal and vertical movement
- Holds pylon avoiding slips and skids
- To develop the student's knowledge and skill in performance of eights-on-pylons to meet the Commercial Pilot Practical Test Standards
- To develop the planning, coordination, and orientation required to accurately maneuver the airplane on pylons while dividing attention between outside references, instrument indications, and watching
for other traffic
- Discuss the definition, safety factors, tolerances, and objectives of eights-on-pylons
- Diagram eights-on-pylons on chalkboard
- Use model airplane to demonstrate "line-of-sight" reference
- Discuss formula for estimating pivotal altitude from groundspeed,
- Discuss selection of suitable pylons (approximately 1/2 mile apart on line perpendicular to wind, adjacent to an emergency landing area)
- Instructor and then student explain procedures associated with eights-on-pylons and corrections used to maintain the "line-of-sight" reference on the pylon
- Explain again while demonstrating eights-on-pylons
- CLEAR area
- Flying crosswind, select suitable pylons on downwind side
- Enter at cruise airspeed at approximate pivotal altitude diagonally downwind over midpoint between pylons
- Turn into wind, setting up constant "line-of-sight" reference on pylon
- Hold "line-of-sight" reference on pylon using elevator to descend to pylon moving ahead of reference and to climb "back" to pylon moving behind reference
- Roll out with crab into wind to fly straight-and-level over midpoint between pylons and arrive abeam next pylon at approximate pivotal altitude
- Coach student practice of eights-on-pylons
- Student flies several eights-on-pylons as described and demonstrated
- Critique student performance
- Poor pylon picking (e.g., no suitable emergence landing area within gliding distance, not prominent enough, too far apart)
- Faulty entry technique
- Poor planning, orientation, division of attention (may lead to "losing" a pylon)
- Uncoordinated flight control application
- Use of improper "line-of-sight" reference
- Application of rudder alone to maintain "line-of-sight" on the pylon
- Improper timing of turn entries and rollouts
- Poor wind drift correction between pylons