Flying - Teaching and Learning Flying
Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC)
14 CFR part 61.57(d) sets forth the requirements for an IPC. The person giving that check shall use the Instrument PTS when administering the check. A representative number of TASKs, as determined by the examiner/instructor, must be selected to assure the competence of the applicant to operate in the IFR environment. As a minimum, the applicant must demonstrate the ability to perform the following TASKs, listed below. The person giving the check should develop scenarios to assess the pilot's ADM and risk management skills during the IPC.Required TASKs (from the Instrument Rating PTS)
III. C. Holding Procedures
IV. B. Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
V. A. Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems (VOR, NDB, GPS) and DME Arcs
VI. A. Nonprecision Approach (VOR, NDB, GPS)
VI. B. Precision Approach
VI. C. Missed Approach
VI. D. Circling Approach
VI. E. Landing from a Straight-In or Circling Approach
VII. D. Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators
VII. A. Postflight - Checking Instruments and Equipment

Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA-H-8083-15, 1999
Instrument Procedures Handbook, FAA-H-8261-1
Instrument Rating PTS, FAA-S-8081-4D