CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards,
FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001
VII. Navigation Systems
B. Holding Procedures
To determine that the applicant- Exhibits instructional knowledge of holding procedures by describing
a. Setting of aircraft navigation equipment
- Tune one to VOR radial defining course to holding fix
- Tune the other to VOR radial (FROM indication) defining intersection holding fix
- Alternately tune each VOR
- Tune to VOR radial defining course to fix
- Established on course to fix, tune to VOR radial FROM that defines intersection
- In hold, turning inbound, tune to VOR radial defining inbound leg
- Established on inbound leg, tune to VOR radial FROM that indentifies intersection holding fix
1) Record/readback holding clearance, including fix
2) Tune appropriate NAVAID(s) to indentify holding fix-
a) VOR (After reaching fix twist OBS to inbound course)
b) NDB
c) Intersection (e.g., 2 VOR radials)-
i) Two VOR receivers
1) Begin airspeed reduction to holding airspeed within 3 minutes prior to arriving at fix
2) Recommend approach airspeed, e.g., C-TR182, 100 KIAS
3) Standard maximum holding speeds-
a) 265 KIAS > 14,000 ft
b) 230 KIAS 6,001 - 14,000 ft
c) 200 KIAS MHA - 6,000 ft
Use HI to plan holding pattern entry:
c. Recognition of arrival at the holding fix and the prompt initiation of entry into the holding pattern-
1) Arrival at holding fix indicated by station passage (VOR, NDB), or arrival at intersection or waypoint (GPS/RNAV)
2) FAA recommends direct, parallel or teardrop entry into the hold-
a) Direct - upon arrival at fix from DIRECT ENTRY sector (see image below), turn to follow the holding pattern
b) Parallel - upon arrival at fix from PARALLEL ENTRY sector, turn to a heading parallel to holding course outbound on nonholding side for pproximately 1 minute, then turn more than 180° in direction of holding pattern and return direct to holding fix or intercept inbound course
c) Teardrop - upon arrival at fix from TEARDROP ENTRY sector, turn outbound to a heading of 30° on holding side of inbound leg for approximately 1 minute, then turn in the direction of the holding pattern to intercept the inbound course
1) Standard inbound leg duration
a) 1½ minutes > 14,000 ft
b) 1 minute < 14,000 ft-
a) VOR: reversal of TO/FROM indicator
b) Intersection: wings level after turn from fix
c) NDB: abeam fix (RB to fix = 90 or 270° +/- WCA)
d) DME: wings level after turn from fix-
a) Apply 2 x (inbound time deviation) for relatively small deviations (< 30 seconds)
b) Apply ½ - 1 x (inbound time deviation) for large deviations-
1) Determine inbound wind correction angle (WCA)
2) Apply 3 x WCA outbound for relatively small WCA (<15°)
3) Apply 2 x WCA outbound for large WCA-
1) DME distance defines holding fix
2) ATC specifies length of outbound leg
3) Turn inbound when DME indicates outbound leg completed-
1) Report time and altitude reaching holding fix ("entering hold")
2) Report leaving holding fix - Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related to holding procedures by describing
a. Incorrect setting of aircraft navigation equipment
Visualize/draw hold to aid positional awareness
Standard rate turns
d. Improper wind drift correction
e. Failure to recognize holding fix passage-
Include navigation instruments in scan
Request clarification if uncertain
- Demonstrates and simultaneously explains holding procedures from an instructional standpoint
- Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to holding procedures

14 CFR Part 91
Aviation Instructor's Handbook, FAA-H-8083-9
Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA-H-8083-15, 1999
Instrument Rating PTS, FAA-S-8081-4D, April 2004