CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards,
FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001
VI. Flight by Reference to Instruments
The examiner shall select TASK H and at least one other TASK. The applicant shall select either the primary and supporting or control and performance method for teaching this AREA OF OPERATION.G. Steep Turns
To determine that the applicant- Exhibits instructional knowledge of steep turns by describing
a. Procedure using full panel and partial panel for entry and recovery of a steep turn
1) Full panel
a) Smooth, coordinated bank to approximately 30° (AI)
b) Continue smooth coordinated bank >30-45° (AI) and simultaneously
c) Add back elevator pressure and
d) Slight increase power to
e) Maintain ALT/VSI/ASI constant in a level steep turn
f) Avoid overbanking and development of spiral drive (recover by first promptly shallowing bank)
g) Recover with smooth, coordinated roll-out plus simultaneous
h) Release of elevator back pressure and
i) Slight power decrease-
a) Recommend: avoid steep turns on parital panel (turn no more than standard rate)
b) Procedure would be similar ot full panel, but
c) TC only bank instrument in turn
d) Increase pitch (ALT, VSI) and power (slightly, ASI) as TC airplane wing moves beyond standard rate mark-
1) Changes in effects of aerodynamic forces on aircraft occur at progressively steeper banks
2) Proportionately increased skill in cross check and control necessary
3) Loss of vertical lift must be immediately noticed and corrected with pitch increase or spiral dive may develop
4) Learn to make appropriate rapid small power changes without indue attention to ASI or MP(RPM)-
1) Roll-in
a) Smooth, coordinated bank to approximately 30° (AI)
b) Continue smooth coordinated bank >30-45° (AI) and simultaneously
c) Add back elevator pressure and
d) Slight increase power to
e) Maintain ALT/VSI/ASI constant in a level steep turn
a) Recover with smooth, coordinated roll-out plus simultaneous
b) Release of elevator back pressure and
c) Slight power decrease-
1) Centered ball during roll-in, throughout steep turn and roll-out
2) Trim may be used to relieve back elevator pressure in steep turn - Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related to steep turns by describing
a. Failure to recognize and make prompt corrections for pitch, bank or power errors
1) Errors are more exaggerated, more difficult to analyze and correct unless
2) Rates of entry and recovery are consistent with degree of proficiency in basic instrument cross check, interpretation and control-
1) May be small bank and pitch errors in AI after 180° turn (correct themselves in minute or so)
2) Cross check HI and ALT for precise roll-out to SLF-
Centered ball during roll-in, throughout steep turn and roll-out
Small, frequent adjustments to relieve control pressures
- Demonstrates and simultaneously explains steep turns from an instructional standpoint
- Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to steep turns

Aviation Instructor's Handbook, FAA-H-8083-9
Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA-H-8083-15, 1999
Instrument Rating PTS, FAA-S-8081-4D, April 2004