

CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards, FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001

VI. Flight by Reference to Instruments

The examiner shall select TASK H and at least one other TASK. The applicant shall select either the primary and supporting or control and performance method for teaching this AREA OF OPERATION.

D. Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents

To determine that the applicant
  1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of constant airspeed climbs and descents by describing
      a. Procedure using full panel and partial panel for entry into a straight climb or climbing turn, from either cruising or climbing airspeed
        1) Full panel
          a) Climb entry
            i) From cruising airspeed
            • Pitch up (AI) to and maintain approximate nose-high climb attitude for desired airspeed, and
            • Increase power (MP/RPM) to and maintain desired climb power
            ii) From climb airspeed
            • Reduce airspeed in SLF, then
            • Increase pitch and power to climb settings

        Climb (or descent), straight, constant airspeed
        Full panel
        Pitch Bank Power
        Primary AI -> ASI HI MP(RPM)
        Secondary AI, VSI AI, TC -> ASI

        2) Partial panel (AI and HI inoperative)
          a) First slow to climb airspeed in SLF, then
          b) Increase power to and maintain climb power (MP/RPM) and simultaneously
          c) Increase pitch to and maintain airspeed (ASI)

        Climb (or descent), straight, constant airspeed
        Partial panel
        Pitch Bank Power
        Primary ASI TC MP(RPM)
        Secondary ALT, VSI MC -> ASI

        3) In turns
          a) Combine straight climb technics with turn technics
          b) Increase rate of cross check and interpretation to control bank and pitch changes

        Climb (or descent), turning, constant airspeed
        Partial panel
        Pitch Bank Power
        Primary ASI TC MP(RPM)
        Secondary ALT, VSI MC -> ASI

      b. A stabilized straight climb or climbing turn
      Constant Airspeed Climb

        1) Maintain airspeed/heading/bank within +/- 10 kts/10°/5° (aim for 2/2/2)
        2) Small pitch changes to maintain airspeed (ASI primary for pitch)
        3) Increase MP approximately 1 inHg per 1000 feet to maintain climb power
        4) In climbing turn, TC primary for bank
        5) Partial panel
          a) Make only small pitch corrections to allow for ASI lag
          b) Cross check MC to maintain heading in straight climb
      c. A level-off from a straight climb or climbing turn, at either cruising or climbing airspeed
        1) Full panel
          a) Lead altitude by 10% of climb rate (at 500 fpm, begin level off 50 ft below target altitude)
          b) Smooth, steady forward elevator pressure toward level flight attitude
          c) Observe
            i) AI pitch decrease
            ii) VSI decreasing
            iii) ALT needle slowing
            iv) ASI increasing
          d) Initial SLF - constant changes in pitch and torque control as airspeed increases
          e) As airspeed approaches cruise, reduce power to cruise setting
          f) To level-off at climb airspeed
            i) Lower nose and simultaneously
            ii) Reduce power at rate proportionate to pitch change to appropriate setting for desired airspeed
        2) Partial panel (AI and HI inop)
          a) Use ALT, VSI to guide pitch in level-off
          b) Maintain straight flight
            i) Keep TC wings level and
            ii) Ball centered
        3) Level-off from climbing turn
          a) Combine straight climb and turn technics
          b) Increase cross check and interpretation to maintain proper bank for rate of turn during level-off
      d. Procedure using full panel and partial panel for an entry into a straight descent or decsending turn from either cruising or descending airpseed
        1) Full panel
          a) Constant airspeed descent at airspeed faster than cruise speed
            i) Lower nose on AI (primary pitch during descent entry)
            ii) As airspeed approaches desired descent airspeed, reduce power (MP/RPM primary power) to desired level
          b) Constant airspeed descent at airspeed slower than cruise speed
            i) Reduce airspeed to desired descent airspeed (MP/RPM primary power)
            ii) Further power reduction to predetermined setting and simultaneously
            iii) Lower nose to maintain constant airspeed (ASI becomes primary pitch instrument)
            iv) Trim off control pressures
        2) Partial panel (AI, HI inop)
          a) Simplify by using slower than cruise descent airspeed method
          b) ASI, ALT, VSI show varying rates of change until constant airspeed at constant attitude acheived
        3) Descending turns
          a) Combine straight descent and turn technics
          b) Rapid cross check and interpretation to maintain proper bank for rate of turn during descent
      e. A stabilized straight descent or descending turn
        1) Full panel
          a) Maintain airspeed with small pitch changes (ASI primary for pitch)
          b) Maintain constant power in descent by reducing MP approximately 1 inHg per 1000 feet
        2) Partial panel (AI, HI out)
          a) Make only small, smooth pitch corrections to allow for ASI lag
          b) Cross check MC in straight descents
        3) Descending turns
          a) TC primary for bank
          b) Centered ball
      f. A level-off from a straight descent or descending turn, at either cruising or descending airspeed
        1) Full panel
          a) Level-off at cruise speed
            i) Lead 500 fpm descent by 100-150 feet
            ii) Add cruise power and maintain nose down descent attitude to
            iii) 50 feet above desired altitude, smoothly adjust pitch to level attitude
          b) Level-off at slower-than-cruise descent airspeed
            i) Lead by approximately 10% of VSI rate
            ii) Simultaneously adjust pitch to level and
            iii) Add power to hold airspeed constant
        2) Partial panel (AI, HI inop)
          a) Similar to full panel but
          b) Only bank instruments are TC and MC
        3) Level-off from descending turn
          a) Combine straight descent and turn technics
          b) TC primary for bank
          c) Increase rate of cross check and interpretation to maintain proper bank for rate of turn during level-off
  2. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related to constant airspeed climbs and descents by describing
      a. Failure to use a proper power setting and pitch attitude
        1) Use predetermined power settings
        2) Pitch/trim to maintain constant airspeed
        3) Avoid overcontrolling pitch - apply small, smooth control pressures while cross checking rapidly
        4) Maintain correct pitch attitude as airspeed changes in level-off
        5) Cross check ASI and VSI before any pitch or power adjustments
      b. Improper correction of vertical rate, airspeed, heading or rate-of-turn errors
        1) Use smooth small control pressures
        2) 2-step corrections
          a) Stop needle movement
          b) Smooth, slow correction
        3) In constant airspeed climb/descent ASI is primary for pitch (not VSI)
        4) Pitch/trim to airspeed
        5) Shallow bank to correct small heading errors
        6) Increase rate of cross check during climb or descent entry and level-off and during climbing or descending turns
      c. Uncoordinated use of controls
        Centered ball
      d. Improper trim control
        1) Trim to relieve control pressures
        2) Small, frequent adjustments
  3. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a constant airspeed climb and a constant airspeed descent from an instructional standpoint
  4. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to constant airspeed climbs and descents

Aviation Instructor's Handbook, FAA-H-8083-9
Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA-H-8083-15, 1999
Instrument Rating PTS, FAA-S-8081-4D, April 2004

Greg Gordon MD, CFII