

CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards, FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001

I. Fundamentals of Instructing

G. Planning Instructional Activity

  1. Developing objectives and standards for a course of training
      a. Course of training is a complete series of studies leading to attainment of a specific goal
      b. Aviation training normally aspires to a level-of-training at the application level or highter
      c. Standards include a description of the desired knowledge, behavior or skill stated in specific terms along with conditions and criteria
        1) Comprehensive examples of desired learning outcomes or behavior should be included in the standards
        2) The most critical tasks are published in the applicable PTS
      d. Eligibility, knowledge, proficiency and experience requirements for pilots are stipulated in 14 CFR part 61
      e. Broad, overall objective is to qualify the student to be a competent, efficient, safe pilot under stated conditions
      f. Adequate training results in student passing the knowledge and practical tests required by 14 CFR part 61
      g. Important objectives include acquiring sound judgment and decision-making skills
  2. Theory of building blocks of learning
      a. Identification of blocks of learning is next step after overall training objectives are established
      b. Each block is an integral and necessary part, an essential part of the whole
      c. Blocks of learning should be fairly consistent in scope
      d. Blocks should represent units of learning which can be measured and evaluated
      e. If larger blocks are broken down into smaller blocks of instruction, each on its own is more manageable
  3. Requirements for developing a training syllabus
      a. A training syllabus is a step-by-step building block progression of learning with provisions for regular review and evaluation at prescribed stages of learning
      b. Should be in form of an abstract or digest of the course of training, containing blocks of learning to be completed in the most efficient order
      c. Instructor may develop his/her own syllabi or well-designed commercial syllabi may be used
      d. Should stress well-defined objectives and standards for each lesson
      e. Good syllabus can be effective tool for record keeping
      f. Good syllabus helps in development of lesson plans - already contains much of the essential information required in a lesson plan, including objectives, content and completion standards
  4. Purpose and characteristics of a lesson plan
      a. Lesson plan is an organized outline for a single intructional period
      b. Should be put into writing
      c. General purpose: to assure that each student receive the best possible instruction under the existing conditions
      d. Specific purposes of a lesson plan:
        1) Assure wise selection of material
        2) Make certain due consideration is given each part of the lesson
        3) Aid instructor in presenting material in a suitable sequence for efficient learning
        4) Provide an outline of the teaching procedure to be used
        5) Relate the lesson to the objectives of the course of training
        6) Give confidence especially to the inexperienced instructor
        7) Promote uniformity of instruction
      e. Characteristics of a well-planned lesson:
        1) Unity - a unified segment of instruction, concerning limited objectives, stated in terms of desired student learning outcomes
        2) Content - should contain new material related to the previous lesson(s) which may be reviewed
        3) Scope - reasonable
        4) Practicality
        5) Flexibililty
        6) Relation to course of training - clear to each student
        7) Instructional steps - falls logically into the four steps of the teaching process: preparation, presentation, application, and review and evaluation
        8) A variety of formats is recommended, but all should include:
          a) Objectives
          b) Content that supports the objectives
          c) Completion standards

Reference: Aviation Instructor's Handbook, FAA-H-8083-9, 1999

Greg Gordon MD, CFII