

CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards, FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001

I. Fundamentals of Instructing

B. Human Behavior and Effective Communication

  1. Human Behavior
  2. Effective Communication
      a. Basic elements of communication
        1) Effectiveness of communication is measured by the similarity between the idea transmitted and the idea received
        2) The process of communication is composed of three elements: the source (speaker, instructor), the symbols (words or signs), and the receiver (listener, reader, student).
        3) Sources
          a) Use language that is meaningful to listeners and readers
          b) Reveal a positive attitude, confidence in the subject and show that message is important for the student
          c) Use the most current and interesting information
          a) Symbols are words (and gestures and facial expressions) combined into units (sentences, lectures, chapters) that mean something to the student
          b) Modify symbols depending on feedback from students
          c) Students need feedback from instructor to inform them of their progress and provide motivation
        5) Receiver
          a) Effective communication has taken place when students (receivers) react with understanding and change behavior according to the intent of the instructor
          b) Instructor needs to understand students' abilities, attitudes and experiences
          c) Mold attitudes into forms that promote reception of information
          d) Use a varied communicative approach to reach the most students
          e) Student's experiences, background and educational level will determine the approach an instructor takes
      b. Barriers to effective communication
        1) Lack of common experience
        2) Confusion between the symbol and the symbolized object
        3) Overuse of abstractions
        4) Interference
          a) Physiological (e.g. hearing loss, illness)
          b) Environmental (e.g. noise)
          c) Psychological (e.g. fear, mistrust)
      c. Developing communication skills
        1) Role playing
        2) Instructional communication
          a) Know the subject well
          b) Use examples of past experiences to illustrate points
          c) Use some sort of evaluation to determine level of understanding
        3) Listening
          a) Develop and teach an attitude of wanting to listen
          b) Use technics to enhance listening ability
            i) Do not interrupt
            ii) Do not judge
            iii) Think before answering
            iv) Be close enough to hear
            v) Watch nonverbal behavior
            vi) Be aware of biases
            vii) Look for underlying feelings
            viii) Concentrate
            ix) Avoid rehearsing answers while listening
            x) Do not insist on the last word
          c) Teach students how to listen
            i) Be ready to listen
            ii) Be responsible for listening
            iii) Listen to understand, not refute
            iv) Be emotionally calm
            v) Listen for main ideas
            vi) Take notes
            vii) Guard against daydreaming
        4) Questioning
          a) Good questions can determine how well a student understands
          b) Tools to confirm mutual understanding:
            i) Paraphrasing
            ii) Perception checking
        5) Instuctional enhancement - the deeper the knowledge, the better the instructor is at conveying information in that area

Reference: Aviation Instructor's Handbook, FAA-H-8083-9, 1999

Greg Gordon MD, CFII