

CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards, FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001

II. Technical Subject Areas

B. Aeromedical Factors

    8. Evolved gases from scuba diving
      a. During scuba diving, ambient pressures become greater than the pressure of gases in the blood and nitrogen is absorbed into the tissues
      b. If ambient pressue is decreased too rapidly too soon after scuba diving, nitrogen may evolve again as bubbles in the muscles causing decompression sickness, or the bends (body frequently bends over in pain)
      c. AIM recommendations
        1) Before flying (up to and) below 8,000 feet MSL wait at least
          a) 12 hours after dive which did not require a controlled ascent (nondecompression stop dive)
          b) 24 hours after dive which required a controlled ascent (decompression stop dive)
        2) Before flight above 8,000 feet MSL (altitude NOT cabin pressure) wait at least 24 hours after any scuba dive
      d. Safest recommendation: put at least 24 hours between any dive and any takeoff
    Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA-H-8083-15, 1999
    An Invitation to Fly, Basics for the Private Pilot, Seventh Edition Dennis Glaeser, Sanford Gum and Bruce Walters, 2004, Brooks/Cole
    AIM 8-1-2

Greg Gordon MD, CFII