Propofol - 6

Uses, Doses

Induction and Maintenance of General Anesthesia

  • Induction: 1-2.5 mg/kg
  • Maintenance: 50-200 mcg/kg/min +/- N2O or opioid or ketamine
  • ED95 2.25-2.5 mg/kg
  • Onset 1 arm-brain time
  • Duration: 3-6 minutes
  • Pediatrics: not much change
    • maybe 3 mg/kg induction dose in healthy young children
    • slightly higher maintenance doses may be expected
  • Fast recovery and return of psychomotor function
    • within 8-10 minutes after up to 2 hours infusion
    • almost as fast as desflurane and with less nausea and vomiting
  • Cardiac surgery
    • not associated with hypotension if boluses are avoided
    • no change in coronary sinus flow, MVO2, or myocardial lactate extraction
  • Cp required: 2.5-6 mcg/ml
  • TIVA: propofol + ketamine
    • propofol:ketamine = 4:1 (or even 8:1 for less painful procedures)
    • stable hemodynamics
    • no negative dreaming or abnormal behavior


  • Readily titratable, rapid recovery, by infusion
  • ICU: 4 days sedation ->
    • 10 minutes to recover
    • Cp for sedation stable 96 hours (no tolerance)
  • 25-60 mcg/kg/min
  • amnesia - yes
  • compared to midazolam
    • equal or better control
    • more rapid recovery (and extubation)
  • PCS, patient controlled sedation, has been reported effective

Greg Gordon MD
Last updated: