The circumstances of
your life,
and also mine because
I love you boundlessly,

Our conversation,
through the gaping
miles of wire,
feels like a crumbling,
like a quagmire,
like a caving-in.
We sigh by turns
beneath the burdening.

So powerless, this is
beyond our fixing.
We two, so practiced in
the art of buffering,
speak just the truth
and listen to it spoken.
Our brokenness laid bare.

The careful process
of good-bye begins,
separating you and I,
untangling the strings.

Then softly, in
an altered voice,
as soothing as a prayer,
you share two recent
dreams with me.
The images come clear:

And something passes over me,
a boundless, loving energy,
that leaves in me this
absolute, irrational serenity.