The Love that lights the stars
burns in us too.

May the Love
that has knit your lives together
in this solid piece,
strong and lasting, as a sail
to lift and carry you
through tranquil
and through raucous seas...
or a net, to catch and keep you
from each falling,
wider than any circumstance...

May the Love
that has knit your lives together
in this solid piece,
made only stronger
with the mending
of each tear and fray
the years endure...

May the Love
that has given you eachother,
that has clasped your lives,
secure you now
and give you shelter.

May this Love shine,
a thousand candles in the dark;
this Love that fastens you, that lasts
beyond the limits of our sight.

The very Love that lights the stars
burns in us too.

-- Deb Cooper
burns in us too.

May the Love
that has knit your lives together
in this solid piece,
strong and lasting, as a sail
to lift and carry you
through tranquil
and through raucous seas...
or a net, to catch and keep you
from each falling,
wider than any circumstance...

May the Love
that has knit your lives together
in this solid piece,
made only stronger
with the mending
of each tear and fray
the years endure...

May the Love
that has given you eachother,
that has clasped your lives,
secure you now
and give you shelter.

May this Love shine,
a thousand candles in the dark;
this Love that fastens you, that lasts
beyond the limits of our sight.

The very Love that lights the stars
burns in us too.