It snowed the day that Madeline came,
no fragile feathery flake or two,
but snow that fell and fell
and blew and blew,
masquerading walkways
beyond detection,
a dramatic prologue to sweet perfection.

Her mother held her hand as she came to us.
Her daddy was there
and Grandma came.
We'll be four generations soon
for Great Nana's coming,
the Uncles too -
Godfather Rod in great grandad's shirt
and uncle Cam in great grandad's shoes.

She came to us that wintry day
and we'll never be the same again.
She came. We saw. She conquered us.
Our marveling will never cease,
at the gift of such a masterpiece.

We're her protectors, guardians, gladiators.
Superman's cape comes swishing by.
"Will my beating heart awaken her?"

A lofty leap to life's largesse,
good-bye, good riddance to life's duress.
Plain jane days are gone forever.
Hail happiness to last forever.

And now at last a reason, season -
for those silly lords aleapin',
for lullabies and endless cuddles,
coos and gurgles and Grandad chuckles.

Seedlings stir in the cool, dark earth
rejoicing in our Madeline's birth.
Hark! a chorus of angel wings
alleluiaing Madeline.
E'en God does make the birds to sing

We thank God for our Madeline.
Our care for her will honor Him.
And it is so - is so.