Passions in our lives prevail,
pervade, invade, absorb, sustain.

The exaltation of our day,
the quickening pulse,
the heady joy.
Without them, oh how plain the day,
no rush, no flush, no ecstasy.

Some passions come, and quickly go.
Some take hold and grow and grow.
Music casts that spell for me.
'Twas ever thus, and e'er will be.

The piano is small - well-tuned.
The focal spot in the living room.
A command performance is about to ensue.
No programs or ushers or perfect acoustics,
just mother, and children, all snug
'neath their sheets
who've requested a piano to play them to sleep.
They don't need a Horowitz, Watts, or a Previn,
A Mozart andante, gentle - wooing,
a Beethoven adagio, melodic and moving,
a Faure berceuse, a Schumann, a Barber,
and the all time favorite to end the show,
Hi Lilly Hi Lilly Hi Lilly Hi Lo.

Soon the tables are turned
and they're holding court.
The rafters are ringing.
The piano's grown bigger.
They're jamming and jiving,
composing, transposing.

I couldn't have asked for a happier crew,
They've caught the glory,
the passion too, -
that only music can bring to you.